Core Concepts–The Probability of WeightLoss

All of this will make your good days better and more often and your bad days not as bad and less often in regards to weight.  These concepts will be covered in the pay-to-view area.


  1. What we need to admit
  2. Push, Break, Recover
  3. mind set of "one a day"-mental prep
  4. the "will power" myth
  5. food groups-more or less?
  6. Day to Day basics
  7. Plant the idea seeds/conversation with self
  8. Normalize
  9. importance of prep
  10. The new dessert
  11. "Delay eating" and "take it to hunger"
  12. BittersEnd WeightLoss Therapy
  13. Imbalance of activity vs. imbalance of diet
  14. Overnight magic-16 hour spread-fasting effects?
  15. Sleep
  16. Water, water, water
  17. Getting ahead
  18. Perception of too much/too hard


  1. What we need to admit
  2. Push, Break, Recover
  3. mind set of "everyday"-mental prep
  4. The will power myth
  5. Exercise/workout-more or less?
  6. Day to Day basics
  7. Plant the idea seeds/conversation with self
  8. Importance of prep
  9. If this is exercise--then what is this?
  10. Active attitude
  11. Imbalance of activity vs. imbalance of diet
  12. Getting ahead
  13. Perception of too much/too hard