Weight loss blog

Hey all--I am Jason and will be logging my day to day weight loss info here for you to follow. The majority of my weight loss will come from overnight fasting/timed eating and appropriate food/calorie intake. Diet will make up close to 100% of my progress. I am not able to make the diet choices below because "I want to" or because "it's easy for me". I make my diet choices because I learned how to put myself into a position, mentally, to make these choices. If you want background info on me please read through this site.

My log below will start 3/10/2022 at 266.4lbs, but my original start point was 9/4/2021 at 280lbs-Holy moly.

Weigh-in Sept 4th, 2021 280lbs

3/10/2022-Day1-First weigh in at 266.4lbs. Focusing on overnight fasting/timed eating. Eating will be a bit more challenging this time around because I am changing to night shift. With changing my diet to healthier options and some exercise I tend to drop weight quickly the first week. Mostly due to fluid loss. I will plan to weigh in weekly for the first 4 wks and then monthly. Have a good day!

3/14/2022-Day5-Overnight fasting/timed eating is going very well, even with the night shifts. I did a couple of light workouts in my basement. Treadmill for 20min then quick upper body workout with weights.

3/15/2022-Day6-Stayed up too late on a night off and got real hungry so ate when I didn't want to at 10:30pm. Not awful food choices but overate.

3/16/2022-Day7-Was able to turn that overeating from the 15th into a 26hr fast, and didn't eat until 3/16-17 at midnight(I'm working an overnight shift right now). I didn't force it. It was easy since my added sugar intake has been reduced to almost none.

3/17/2022-Day8-After night shift slept from 7am to Noon. Then ate at 3:30pm and back to work at 6pm-6:30am.

3/18/2022-Day9-Ate a gyro at 1am. After night shift slept 08:00-15:00, then back to night shift at 6pm. Ate small pickle salad, brussel sprouts, and pineapple at 11:30pm.

3/19/2022-Day10-Fast until hot date. Italian deep dish 1 big piece, half of an appetizer, 3 drinks (old fashion, wine, bloody) 7:30pm to 10pm.

3/20/2022-Day11-Meal night before was very heavy. Since I was in fasting mode up until that point it is pretty easy to continue to fast the next day. I was planning to eat but felt fine so waited.

3/21/2022-Day12-Weighed in at 256.2lbs. Planned to eat at 10am for a 36hr fast but fell asleep and ate at 2pm which was a 40hrs fast. Wasn't expecting that but that is the way it played out. I had 2 chicken street tacos and some pineapple.

3/22/2022-Day13-At work, waited/fasted 11hrs until 1am to eat a bag salad, some pineapple, and 2pieces of dark chocolate.

3/23/2022-Day14-At work, fasted 24hrs until 1am to eat a gyro, some pineapple, and 1 piece of dark chocolate. Also did a small workout, I did 2 sets of pushups, lunges, crunches, jumping leg exercise.

3/24/2022-Day15-At work, fasted 24hrs until 1am and ate 2 chicken street tacos, brussels sprouts, and some pineapple. At 7am got home from work to get kids to school. At 8am my body was very hungry so ate too much. Big slice of Chicago style pizza, chips and spinach dip, and 3 kemps cones. Then slept until 2pm. If I'm going to have a large meal I try to not do it right before bed but these night shifts are throwing me off. I will attempt to not eat for 24hrs after this large meal to get me back into fasting mode.

5/13/2022-Start over-Day 1-Weighed in at 258.2lbs. Had some family stress that I needed to focus on and my diet went awry, but things have settled down for the most part and I am ready to try to get focused again to get back on track. I am still down 22lbs since Sept 2021.

5/14/2022-Day2-I like to see how fast I drop weight right in the beginning of a push to lose weight. Mostly water weight but still feels good to see the number go down quickly. I weighed 255.8lbs today. So that is 2.4lbs in a day. Again, mostly water weight.

5/16/2022-Day4-Just weighing myself each day until the weight loss slows down. Today I was 252.6lbs

5/17/2022-Day5-Today I was 251.2lbs. So that is 7lbs in 4 days. No specific workout. Mowed a few lawns and cleaned the house. My weight loss program is not exercise based but diet based. If you'd like to see how I do it, check out this page.

5/23/2022-Day11-Today I weighed in at 245.8lbs

6/5/2022-Day24-Today I weighed in at 239.8lbs---Come on 230lbs!!

7/15/2022-Day 1- Today I weighed in at 238.4lbs. I'm really just trying to maintain weight right now. Planning to start to be more proactive about losing weight soon. I want to reach 230lbs without working out and just normal day movement. Once I get to 230lbs I plan to start to prepare for a sprint triathlon, which is the shortest and easiest of triathlons.

Sept 4th, 2021 (280lbs)

July 15th, 2022 (238.4lbs)

8/11/2022-Day 1- Today I weighed in at 244.8lbs. I have been completely off my diet/timed eating/fasting schedule for a couple/few weeks. Trying to restrain eating but pretty much eating whatever I want. This is an expected rotation of the diet plan. I will start to try to get back on my plan starting today and hopefully push down to 230lbs before coming off diet.

9/1/2022-Day 1-Today I weighed in at 240.6lbs. Holding steady around that 240lb mark, which is fine. I am eating foods I really like and heading for a fasting/timed eating cycle. If I can successfully get on a fasting/timed eating cycle I should be able to drop another 20lbs. Currently I also started to do some jogging, walking, resistance training to help maintain weight.

9/16/2022-Day 1-Today I weighed in at 242.6lbs. I think I am at a place where I can get back on my routine and drop another 15-20lbs. Time will tell how I am handling my process. Starting with a bit of dirty keto to help stop eating added sugar.

10/7/2022-Today I weighed in at 236.6lbs.

2/12/2023-It's been a bit since posting. Today I weighed 236lbs. Made it through the holiday eating--eggnog, cookies, and dinners. Also, my birthday on January 5th. At that point I weighed in at 247lbs (the cookies really got me). I know the holiday season is a struggle for me. So, I try to do the best I can; I also try to enjoy what I am eating, and I try not to feel guilty! And I didn't. After the holidays, I planned to start to lose weight again--and that is what I am currently doing. My goal for the year is to get down to 220lbs before September. At that point, I plan to try to hold 220lbs through the next holiday season and then push to 200lbs in 2024. A new/newer motivator for me is my health. For the first time by blood sugar (104-should be between 70 and 99) and A1C is a bit elevated, and my cholesterol and triglycerides have been elevated for the past 2 years. I really would like to get these numbers back to where they are supposed to be.

4/17/23- Todays weight is 244.8lbs. The goal will be to weight myself at most every Monday, but I may shoot for every other Monday.

4/24/23-Todays weight is 237.8lbs. A big change from previous week but not uncommon due to a lot of water weight loss when first changing the diet.

5/1/23-Todays weight is 233.8lbs. Four lbs the second week is pretty good. My diet has been consistent and my exercise has been consistent. I also feel what I've been doing for diet/exercise I will be able to maintain for a couple months heading towards 220lbs. In two weeks I'm expecting to be in the high 220s. I haven't been that low for probably 4/5 years.

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